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What is Instant Yield?

“Instant Yield” is built into the Smart Contract and generates additional tokens automatically to your wallet. This means that there is a mechanism to distribute yields automatically to holders of the token. Normally this yield comes from a fee on every transaction. For example, a simple instant yield token could have a 2% fee on every transaction. When a holder of the token makes a transaction, 2% is then distributed to all holders, proportionally. So if a holder of this token was to send 100 tokens, 98 would be received by the recipient and 2 tokens would be split up and shared between all wallets. The biggest holders would receive the biggest share of the fee and this process would occur for every transaction made with the token.

Why should I own Instant Yield tokens?

The great thing about Instant Yield tokens is that it requires no maintenance or lending (staking) of the tokens. You just hold and accumulate. The more transactions there are, the more yields there are, shared among the holders.

Deflationary Instant Yield Tokens – Instant Burn

Some tokens with Instant Yields also have Instant Burn too. This means a portion of the transaction is burned or destroyed forever. For example, a token with 2% Instant Yield and 2% Instant Burn would mean that a transaction of 100 tokens would send 96 tokens, split up and distribute 2 tokens to all wallets and destroy 2 tokens. This results in the total supply reducing. With less supply and increasing numbers of holders, in theory this should have a positive effect on the price.

Warning about this method of earning

Many scam (mostly meme based) tokens use this to entice would be investors to their token so you should DYOR first.

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