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By Ishan Wahi, Product Manager

We started our journey in 2012 by offering the safest and easiest platform to buy and sell Bitcoin. Fast forward to 2022, and we now offer over 150 tradable assets and our customers still enjoy Coinbase as the safest and easiest platform to use. But, this is just the beginning. Today, we’re excited to share some of our efforts to bring you more transparency and information for newly tradable assets, and how we’re introducing more tools and protections to elevate your trading experience on Coinbase.

More transparency and information than ever

As we expand our asset offerings, we will be bringing on more, often newly created assets or lesser known tokens that could come with additional trading risks, including higher price swings and increased order cancellations.

Our goal is to be as transparent as possible with our customers regarding trading risks, so we are introducing a new experimental label on asset pages and a disclosure when executing trades for some assets. Customers will now begin noticing this label and other transparency initiatives across Coinbase today. Learn more about experimental assets in our Help Center.

At Coinbase, your trust is our top priority. We want to help you trade more assets while keeping your account protected. We’re aiming to add even more assets and expand our coverage around the globe in the coming months, so stay tuned for more updates.

Improved clarity and guardrails for new assets on Coinbase was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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